It seems that the weight loss trend, Water Fasting, is becoming popular again among modern people with the principle that the body can go without food, but not without water. Water fasting usually takes about 24-72 hours or about 1-3 days, and then gradually return to eating normally.

This method is currently becoming more and more popular because losing weight in other ways, such as exercising or controlling starch and sugar, is not easy. It must be done consistently to see results. While water fasting helps to lose weight quickly and is also the least tiring. But what you should know is that this method is not suitable for everyone.
Water Fasting is a weight loss method that uses the principle of fasting. It involves drinking only water for a period of about 24-72 hours or about 1-3 days. Drinking only water for several days will put the body in a state of stopping the burning of glucose, or what is called Nutritional Ketosis. The body will then switch to stimulating the burning of fat instead.
There are many ways to lose weight, ufabet, and intermittent fasting or IF is another popular method. It is also easier and safer than water fasting. The principle of IF is to choose to fast for a limited time each day, such as fasting for 14-19 hours per day or fasting only 1-2 days per week. Outside of these times, you can eat as usual. This method will cause the body to reduce insulin secretion and increase growth hormone and norepinephrine to help burn fat and energy without having any negative effects on the body like water fasting.
How to prepare before starting Water Fasting
- Set a date. Start slowly by trying one day first, which is a safer period. You don’t have to do a 3-day water fast. Choose a day off when you are just staying home and not tired or stressed from work.
- Before the day of water fasting, you should gradually reduce the amount of food and meals for about 2-3 weeks, for example, start by skipping breakfast only, then increase to skipping two meals to allow your body to adjust.
- In addition to drinking clean water, you must also drink water that helps add minerals to your body.
- You should avoid activities that require a lot of strength or energy while doing Water Fasting.
Although Water Fasting is a weight loss method that seems easy and does not require a lot of energy like other exercises. It is also consider a weight loss form that has quite a lot of side effects or health effects. Therefore, if anyone wants to try this weight loss trend of drinking only water. They should know their own body well and do not forget to study more information carefully before making a decision for safety and good health in the long run.