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Tag Archives: cooking

Caring for children to be ready for the changes of adolescence.

Changes in adolescence is the development when children begin to enter adolescence. This is because the hormones in the body change. Resulting in changes in body, thoughts, feelings, mind, and behavior when socializing. This is considered an important age transition. and should receive proper care

Music therapy and the treatment of suffering, stress and anxiety.

Music therapy is a branch of therapy that is believed to Using music and melodies to play and lull you will create a feeling of relaxation. Or it may even have a therapeutic effect on improving the patient’s mental and physical health. Distress, stress , and anxiety  arising from

Coping with family problems.  

Family problems can affect physical and mental health. Those who face family problems may experience stress, headaches, irritability, separation, and ineffective work.  The following approaches may help resolve situations and conflicts within families. Open your heart and listen. If you notice that family members are acting

What are the ways to achieve meditation?

There are many methods of meditation or relaxation methods that include meditation as an ingredient. Every method has the aim of creating peace and tranquility within the mind health. There are many ways to achieve meditation, including:UFABET  How to meditate with imagery (Guided Meditation) or